Big News! Split has been acquired by Harness. Read More

Split Webinar

Top Engineering Strategies to Reduce Risk and Increase Speed

In this webinar Pierre-Alexandre Masse, SVP of Engineering at Split, will recount the learnings and discoveries of rolling out software as an engineering leader at tech companies, start ups, and beyond.

Split - Top engineering strategies webinar

Learn Why Agile Businesses Use Split

To watch this webinar, please provide the following info

Learn how product and engineering leaders innovate faster

To move faster (and with little risk), there are two fundamental strategies every engineering leader should know–both involve feature flagging. Watch this webinar to learn more. 

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This session also includes a Q&A

  • Learn how to decouple deploy from release, so you can empower fearless teams through coordinated chaos and accelerate your organization toward a service oriented architecture.
  • Discover new methods on how to shorten your feedback loop with best practices in feature monitoring, measurement, and experimentation.
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Speed up development cycles, reduce release risk, and focus your team on DevOps best practices that create maximum impact.

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We’re excited to accompany you on your journey as you build faster, release safer, and launch impactful products.