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New Customer Story: Envoy

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We are pleased to announce that Envoy has selected Split for advanced experimentation and feature flagging capabilities to measure feature impact against business metrics.

Envoy is the preeminent visitor and delivery management software provider for offices worldwide. With the use of Split, Envoy has increased revenue and conversion rates through experimentation and freed up valuable time and resources, increasing overall business value.

To meet aggressive growth targets, Envoy needed to increase the speed of innovation, but their existing processes for managing new functionality rollouts was slowing them down. To resolve this, they implemented phased rollouts using a homegrown feature flagging solution. However, this implementation became burdensome as more and more features were queued up for release, making it difficult for each team to stay aligned, and adding significant project coordination overhead. Envoy needed a winning framework that could scale with the needs of their business and they turned to Split.

Before Split, our feature releases were cumbersome and time-consuming, requiring our product managers to make special requests to developers every time we wanted to launch new functionality.

Eric Crane, Product Manager, Envoy

Split provides the speed and statistical accuracy required to support the tens of thousands of Envoy users every day and aligns with the organization’s growth initiatives. Envoy can now define target segments through testing and better control the impact of a change on their performance and infrastructure. The added control over beta programs allows their development teams to seamlessly turn off a feature that fails and revert back to a previously successful application behavior.

Product managers at Envoy are laser-focused on achieving aggressive revenue growth goals. Split is helping Envoy achieve business objectives faster than ever before as product managers now launch experiments every two weeks. For example, they are able to split based on license entitlements, making it easy to test new features on a subset of customers in each of their pricing tiers. They run promotions that temporarily turn on a top-tier feature for a customer who is on a lower tiered plan to encourage them to upgrade.

Envoy has achieved the following benefits from using Split:

  • Increased revenue by launching experiments every two weeks that drive business growth such as increasing conversion rates and license entitlement upgrades.
  • Freed developer and product manager time by eliminating the manual creation and tracking of feature flags.
  • Improved release velocity by helping all development teams improve their code branching strategy to support continuous delivery.

Read the case study to learn more about how Envoy is using Split.

Every team — from product and engineering to design and support — leverages Split to confidently create a great experience for our users.

Eric Crane, Product Manager, Envoy

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Switch It On With Split

The Split Feature Data Platform™ gives you the confidence to move fast without breaking things. Set up feature flags and safely deploy to production, controlling who sees which features and when. Connect every flag to contextual data, so you can know if your features are making things better or worse and act without hesitation. Effortlessly conduct feature experiments like A/B tests without slowing down. Whether you’re looking to increase your releases, to decrease your MTTR, or to ignite your dev team without burning them out–Split is both a feature management platform and partnership to revolutionize the way the work gets done. Switch on a free account today, schedule a demo, or contact us for further questions.

Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

Create Impact With Everything You Build

We’re excited to accompany you on your journey as you build faster, release safer, and launch impactful products.