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A Look Back at Our 2023 Innovations


Split - Blog-2160x1080-A Look at 2023 Innovations

In 2023, we set a goal of making your life as developers easier than ever. We want every development team to reap the benefits of faster, safer releases and be able to make data-driven decisions with certainty. This past year, we focused on building capabilities that allowed you to scale with confidence and innovate with ease, all while ensuring peace of mind. 

As we launch into a brand new year, let’s take a look back at some of our most exciting product releases. In 2023, Split launched features that helped your release process in a number of areas.

Improved Speed & Safety

Flag Sets download only the specified set of flags to your SDK, enabling your Split code to be initialized at warp speed.

Sequential Testing allows you to safely peek at your metrics, so you can make faster release decisions once a notable impact is detected. 

Feature Flag Significance Alerting gives you proactive alerts anytime your flags’ key metrics move in the desired or undesired direction, helping you make quick decisions. 

SDK@Edge, the Split-Vercel Integration, harnesses Edge Config technology for lightning-fast web application performance.

Simplified Adoption

Split Suite, available for Web & Android, automatically captures event data without needing any additional RUM agents, track calls, or integrations – bringing you the full power of the Split SDK including the ability to instantly detect feature-level impact.

Essential Scheduling enables you to pre-approve your rollouts, so you can sit back and enjoy your releases.

Custom Metric Event Grouping (OR) gives you the flexibility to create powerful, versatile metric results based on multiple events. 

Custom Analysis Time Frame lets you analyze feature flag impact across multiple versions, for just one day, a specific weekend, or any date range inside a 90-day retention period.

Simplified Feature Flag Configurations lets you quickly and confidently set up your feature flags for any use case (percentage-based rollouts, on/off toggles, experiments, etc).

Enhanced Security

SCIM support allows IT Admins to safely manage Split users and groups within their preferred Identity Provider, including Okta and Azure Active Directory, as shown below.

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Viewer Role lets admins safely share information about data and objects within the Split UI. 

Access Levels for Admin API Keys provides admins with increased power and flexibility when granting access to API resources.

More Visual & Intuitive

Split’s UI Refresh treats you to a modern, forward-looking aesthetic with refined colors tuned for accessibility, visual cues, and more.

Switch, our new in-app polyglot AI assistant, helpfully retrieves information from Split’s public docs and blogs in response to your queries, as shown below.

Looking Ahead

All these features are impressive strides forward that we have taken together. As expressed by Split CEO, Brian Bell, we deeply value our customers and partners for inspiring us at Split! Many of the past year’s features sprung from your input and important feedback.

Looking ahead, we can’t wait to see what you’ll say next year, and as technology innovations continue to challenge us and project us forward, we have some great ideas to help you navigate the year ahead! Together, we are excited to see what more we will become.

Switch It On With Split

The Split Feature Data Platform™ gives you the confidence to move fast without breaking things. Set up feature flags and safely deploy to production, controlling who sees which features and when. Connect every flag to contextual data, so you can know if your features are making things better or worse and act without hesitation. Effortlessly conduct feature experiments like A/B tests without slowing down. Whether you’re looking to increase your releases, to decrease your MTTR, or to ignite your dev team without burning them out–Split is both a feature management platform and partnership to revolutionize the way the work gets done. Schedule a demo to learn more.

Get Split Certified

Split Arcade includes product explainer videos, clickable product tutorials, manipulatable code examples, and interactive challenges.

Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

Create Impact With Everything You Build

We’re excited to accompany you on your journey as you build faster, release safer, and launch impactful products.