Split is made by developers, for developers—which means we have the resources to support you on the platform. Get technical training and certifications from the Split Arcade. Access best practice guides, webinars, and articles. There’s even a Slack community where you can pick our brains (and each other’s brains) live. Consider this is your hub for all things feature management.

Developer Resources
Developer Blogs
Training & Certification
Split Arcade is an interactive, gamified experience that provides teams with technical training, interactive tutorials, and guidance from industry experts.
After knowledge checks along the way, team members earn badges and professional certifications to validate their progress. Help your team level up their skills and unlock the true value of Split.

Slack Community
Want to discuss the latest on Feature Flagging and Experimentation? Join the Split Community on Slack for insights, updates, and occasional musings.
Already a member? Log into SplitCommunity Slack.
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