Case Study


Efficiently Scale Split to 400+ users in an Enterprise Level Financial Services Vertical

A Split customer in the financial services industry generously shared the playbook they developed for scaling up their Split usage beyond 400 users. Here’s a bit about the environment this playbook was successful in and you can download the case study to learn more:

  • 20,000+ employees
  • 2m+ customers
  • Financial Services / Financial Technology Industry 
  • Team: Engineering Leader / Center of Excellence and Tooling

Learn Why Agile Businesses Use Split

Deliver software features that matter, fast!

renderContent(deleteTreatment) {
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      <div className="header">
        <form onSubmit={this.addItem}>
            ref={(a) => (this._inputElement = a)}
            placeholder="Enter Task"
          <button type="submit">Add</button>

Split Is a Leader in Feature Management and Continuous Delivery

Four Pillar Playbook for Success

Scaling Split At A Large Enterprise

If you are responsible for or contribute to any of the following functions, we believe you’ll benefit from the strategies shared here. Please incorporate what makes sense for your organization and most importantly, we hope this guide helps save you time and a few working cycles.

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  • Prepare Your Team to Operationalize Split

    Establish the right contacts within your internal customer base and familiarize yourself with their use case.
  • Control Flow and Access

    Establish an understanding with those involved and develop a strategy for providing them with access.
  • Establish Your Safety Net

    Pinpoint potential issues across. a large team and determine the approval process in production.
  • Leverage Community and the Vendor Relationship

    Lean on your existing community and build upon your strong vendor relationships.

Away From Keyboard

What brings Matt Winchester fulfillment in his job is finding new efficiencies. Before Split, it took 20 people to release one feature in one hour. Now it takes one person from Matt’s team just five minutes.

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Speed up development cycles, reduce release risk, and focus your team on DevOps best practices that create maximum impact.

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We’re excited to accompany you on your journey as you build faster, release safer, and launch impactful products.