Want to know if your feature is breaking things?


Accelerating progressive delivery without clear visibility is like driving without headlights. Don’t launch in the dark. Automatically know if the features you release are helping or hurting. Pinpoint unexpected issues that impact your app and resolve them in a matter of seconds. Your monitoring tool never had the granular precision to do this; only Split’s Feature Impact Detection (IFID) can get you there.

Instant Feature Impact Detection (IFID)

Progressive delivery made safer and more efficient

Automate Detection & Triage

When doing a progressive rollout, IFID will automatically catch feature-related issues and alert you to take action with a kill switch. This eliminates the manual effort of detecting, triaging, and resolving issues. In fact, it will radically reduce your mean time to remediation (MTTR) to less than a minute. 

Not Even Your Application Monitoring Tool Can Do This

APMs are essential for infrastructure safety, but feature-level issues don’t rise above the noise of your overall system. Only Split’s Feature Impact Detection gives you the granular visibility you need to catch feature-level issues during progressive rollouts, so nothing slows you down.

If You Want IFID, You Need the Split Feature Data Platform™

Split is the tool you need for Instant Feature Impact Detection. It’s the only feature management platform that connects feature flag data to performance and behavioral metrics.  With Split, you can finally measure the impact of every product change you make with pinpoint precision and speed.

Move Fast Without Breaking Things


Let us show you how Split’s Instant Feature Impact Detection (IFID) can automate the find and fix process during progressive rollouts to keep you from breaking code, user experience, and focus. 

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Previously, we’d see a 20%-40% increase in support cases, issues, and questions during the first two weeks of a code release. With Split, that’s basically been minimized to no incident. Support costs have been drastically reduced.”

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