Experience Split, by Harness

Create Your Free Split Account

Start using Split by Harness for free! Get instant access to our platform and feature management tools—the foundation for the full suite of capabilities providing release monitoring and experimentation. Free accounts come with access to core functionality, including:

You can also request a 30-day trial, giving you access to evaluate the full set of features. Simply submit a request using our page and we’ll work with you to make it happen.

Deploy Continuously With Confidence

Server-side experimentation, AWSpipelines
The benefits of trunk-based development
Rollback triggers and feature toggles
Multi-device continuity, CI/CD
Fast and progressive rollout
Continuous delivery
A/B testing and validation
Generate deep feature insights

Compatible With All Major SDKs With Easy Onboarding

Learn Why Agile Businesses Choose Split

“I value Split because on release night, it means I get to spend more time with my family.”

– Matt Winchester, Engineering Manager

Learn Why Agile Businesses Choose Split

We were fortunate to sit down with software development manager,Geoff Rayback, away from his keyboard. Geoff tackles topics such asspeed and resiliency, and how to be able to focus on what you lovedoing most.

Get Started Today